Here, the very first inspiration are absolutely my parents, who have taught me not only all that I know about cooking, but also about tasting, about eating, about manners, and about savoring. I am always indebted to them!
But! Beyond them, many many fantastic people around the internet has inspired me to care more about my cooking. Here are some of my inspirations!
Note: Page has been reorganized! Now, this is just pointing you to two child pages - one for all of my recipes, and one for all of the restaurant recommendations. To make up for the blank, empty space, I'll put some nice pictures of my own cooking here to brag.
Unfortunately, in doing this, I have come to realize that I really don't know much about plating or taking nice photos of my food - just another thing that I have the opportunity to learn about!
NB: Use your mouse and hover over the photo for the title-text, which should explain what the dish is, as well as when the photo was taken. If on mobile, long-press the photo, and in the menu that pops up, the top line should be the title-text.